

“Just thought I’d share a recent picture of Roxy after her first grooming. We call her Foxy Roxy at times. She is the sweetest puppy and is very well behaved. She doesn’t really need a leash, and behaves well around other dogs. Thanks again for being super easy to work with!” – Daniel




Grizly 2017

“We LOVE Grizly.  She has been the best match for our family…Potty training was a breeze. I would totally recommend a golden doodle to anyone…..One of the most unique and wonderful things about her is her coloring.  People compliment ALL the time!” Tracy





“Archie is doing great and growing like a weed. We love em a ton! It’s fun having his sister up the street too!” – Nolan







“Finley makes us smile daily! Can’t imagine a better fit for our family.” Chris




“My kids just love Molly and she’s a perfect addition to our family!” Brynn






“Harley is very smart. She quickly learned to sit, stay, lay down, shake, leave it, look, retrieve, learned hide and seek, and rings a bell when she wants to go out like her momma! I just adore her!” Bonnie





“We love Winnie with all our heart! She literally is our child. We tell her every morning when she wakes up between us in bed how spoiled of a puppy she is. Winnie weighs about 55 pounds, but still lean. She sheds about half as much as a full breed golden, BUT it doesn’t bother my allergies as much as normal goldens! She is a very well behaved dog. She is very cuddly! We love her! Our families love her too! She fit right in with all the other dogs.” Katie




“We LOVE Chance. He’s got such a happy-go-lucky personality. He’s been easy to train. His coat looks like chronic bed-head and he a does shed but no more than we expected. Can’t imagine a day without Chance – he’s the best!!!” Jill

Nellie 8 months

“(Nellie) She absolutely was a perfect fit.  She is lovable and responds to everyone…she is very smart and wants to please. Best decision ever to get her….she is such a sweet baby…  I highly recommend this breed….so sweet.  Such a pleaser.  So smart.  Win! She was EASY to potty train.” Bren





“We are loving our new addition to our Family. I would recommend especially with children. I never seen a dog with so much energy and always wants to be hugged with Love. He is our Teddy Bear!” Namjin

kacy sedona sisters

“(Sedona) She is a great fit.  Very family friendly – so adorable, the kids love her. She is a great family dog!!” Heather






“Lucy is doing great. She has learned to sit, lay and stay.  Thanks. We so love her.” Debbie


“Kacy is a good fit for our family. She is very friendly and wishes to say hello to anyone and everyone on a walk. Kacy was easy to house train and learned sit and stay pretty fast.” Diane





“Charlie is doing great!  She does not need a lead when going for a walk. She loves to play frisbee and could actually become a good bird dog. She has been house broke since a couple of weeks that we had her. She is very loving and a good guard dog.”  Chris